My Bookmarks

Fernando's bookmarks

                                                    Fernando's Bookmarks

                          Email / Banks
AOL                 Web Email
RCSD               RWC School District Email
Kennedy           Middle Scool
Yahoo              Web Email
HotMail            Web Email
RCSSE             Credit Union
WF Online        Banking
WF Rewards    Not AOL Browser
              Web Portals / Search Engines
Yahoo                   Catalog style
Google                   Fast & Intuative
Chacha                  Live search help
Ask                       Subject specific
Technorati             Includes latest news
Recipe                   Search
Clusty                    Results Clustered
Facebook             Social website
                               Often used
Yahoo Movies      Local theatres
Yahoo Maps        Maps and directions
Fandango            Movie tickets
Tickets.COM     Theatre/Concert tickets
AMAZON          Buy things online
EBAY                 Auctions online
Craigslist             Find many things
Trip Advisor        USA City Info
Best price             Shop for
FreeDB              Music Data Base
Search                Public Records
Dictionary           Spell check a word
                                   Useful          Travel Information           Job Search
GasBuddy               Gas prices in your town
PC Help                  Technical support
Ivillage                     Womans Site
Send money             using Email
Notify of changes     To web pages
YIL useful sites         Yahoo Internet Life
Techno Stuff            Gift ideas
CyberGuys               Techy Stuff
How Stuff Works     Self Education
How To Projects     Home Improvement
Wonder How To     How to do things
                             Music / Video
Tower Records   Find, buy CDs
Youtube               Audio-Video online
CDNOW             Music
F. Y. E.               Find, buy Music CDs
Film site               Online video
World Music        Charts
                         Personal Web sites
Grand Canyon Trek      Middle school trip
Gord's                           Web site AOL
NA's                              Web site AOL
Mama's                         Web site AOL
Know Yourself              Better
                                  Web Info
Biz Travel               Travel Info
AMTRAK              Train schedules
Greyhound              Bus schedules
America's doctor    Medical Questions
Medical                   Information
White pages            Like a phone book
Yellow pages          Like a phone book
Public Databases     search them
Public Records        view them
WEB MD               Medical Info
MapLight.ORG     Money & Politics
                               Other Sites
Traffic Cameras        view conditions
Foreign                    Currency Converter
Health Care              Information
Virus Hoaxes             Windows
PC tech Info              Support
Vehicle Ratings         Auto info
Kelly Blue Book         New/Used Auto Info
Games                       Games online
BBB Online               Better Business Bureau
Quad Skate               Stuff
Maps Live.COM        MSN
Redwood City         City site
USPS                      Post office
Zip Code Finder       Enter address
Nova                      PBS Site
USPS                      Post Office
DMV Site               Renewals
IRS                         Federal Tax Forms
Calif. Tax Board     State Tax Forms
SF Exploratorium     Museum site
Mayo Clinic             Health & Medical Info
Language Translation      Online
Teacher/Stuudent           Communication
Create a Survey              Your own Web based
Find a Company             Company Finder
Buy Clothes                     that Fit
NOAA Sounds under      the ocean
Browser check                for Security
Get Human                      Help on the Phone
                            Find things 1
Find an Acronym     
Find an Apartment     
Find an Attorney     
Find a Classmate    
Find a Company    
Find Articles               Computer
Find a Flag                 Any country
Find Facts                  Online Dictionaries, Encylopedias
                            Find Things 2
Find a forum            Discussion
Find a Doctor           in USA
Find best Fares        Travel
Find a recipe            Food
Find a House            USA
PC support               Information
Personal home page  or Email address
Find stock filings        For companies
                             My Stuff
Employee                    Purchases
Stock Holder               Access
IBM Savings Plan        (was TDSP) Hewitt
LifeScan                       Log Book
Kaiser Permanente       Mem sign on,reorder pills
MediCare                    Web Site
IBM Retired                 AfterIBM
Net Benefits                 Fidelity
IBM Products              Sales
IBM PC                       IBM Support
Moss Motors               English car parts
IBM Warranty             Lookup
Symantec                     Norton Antivirus
Mavrick's                     Biggest Surf Calif.
GoMotorboards           Elect. Scooter
My HP                         Profile
My HP                         Subscriber's Choice
My HP                         Support
My Norton Account     AntiVirus Protection
Wick Shop                   Kerosene Heaters
Schwab                        Stock
                         Site Management
HTML Guide                 Learn HTML
HTML Validation          Service
Web Site Garage            Tech help
MetaTag Builder            Tech help
Register your Site           Services
Site popularity                check
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Choose Domain Name   Service
Promote your Site           Help
Who Sends Email            Enter Domain
Internet Traffic                 Report
Answers                          That Work
Audio Info owner            Retrieve
Yola                                Login, use IE or Firefox
Google                            WebMaster
Fernando's bookmarks

                                                    Fernando's Bookmarks

                          Email / Banks
AOL                 Web Email
RCSD               RWC School District Email
Kennedy           Middle Scool
Yahoo              Web Email
HotMail            Web Email
RCSSE             Credit Union
WF Online        Banking
WF Rewards    Not AOL Browser
              Web Portals / Search Engines
Yahoo                   Catalog style
Google                   Fast & Intuative
Chacha                  Live search help
Ask                       Subject specific
Technorati             Includes latest news
Recipe                   Search
Clusty                    Results Clustered
Facebook             Social website
                               Often used
Yahoo Movies      Local theatres
Yahoo Maps        Maps and directions
Fandango            Movie tickets
Tickets.COM     Theatre/Concert tickets
AMAZON          Buy things online
EBAY                 Auctions online
Craigslist             Find many things
Trip Advisor        USA City Info
Best price             Shop for
FreeDB              Music Data Base
Search                Public Records
Dictionary           Spell check a word
                                   Useful          Travel Information           Job Search
GasBuddy               Gas prices in your town
PC Help                  Technical support
Ivillage                     Womans Site
Send money             using Email
Notify of changes     To web pages
YIL useful sites         Yahoo Internet Life
Techno Stuff            Gift ideas
CyberGuys               Techy Stuff
How Stuff Works     Self Education
How To Projects     Home Improvement
Wonder How To     How to do things
                             Music / Video
Tower Records   Find, buy CDs
Youtube               Audio-Video online
CDNOW             Music
F. Y. E.               Find, buy Music CDs
Film site               Online video
World Music        Charts
                         Personal Web sites
Grand Canyon Trek      Middle school trip
Gord's                           Web site AOL
NA's                              Web site AOL
Mama's                         Web site AOL
Know Yourself              Better
                                  Web Info
Biz Travel               Travel Info
AMTRAK              Train schedules
Greyhound              Bus schedules
America's doctor    Medical Questions
Medical                   Information
White pages            Like a phone book
Yellow pages          Like a phone book
Public Databases     search them
Public Records        view them
WEB MD               Medical Info
MapLight.ORG     Money & Politics
                               Other Sites
Traffic Cameras        view conditions
Foreign                    Currency Converter
Health Care              Information
Virus Hoaxes             Windows
PC tech Info              Support
Vehicle Ratings         Auto info
Kelly Blue Book         New/Used Auto Info
Games                       Games online
BBB Online               Better Business Bureau
Quad Skate               Stuff
Maps Live.COM        MSN
Redwood City         City site
USPS                      Post office
Zip Code Finder       Enter address
Nova                      PBS Site
USPS                      Post Office
DMV Site               Renewals
IRS                         Federal Tax Forms
Calif. Tax Board     State Tax Forms
SF Exploratorium     Museum site
Mayo Clinic             Health & Medical Info
Language Translation      Online
Teacher/Stuudent           Communication
Create a Survey              Your own Web based
Find a Company             Company Finder
Buy Clothes                     that Fit
NOAA Sounds under      the ocean
Browser check                for Security
Get Human                      Help on the Phone
                            Find things 1
Find an Acronym     
Find an Apartment     
Find an Attorney     
Find a Classmate    
Find a Company    
Find Articles               Computer
Find a Flag                 Any country
Find Facts                  Online Dictionaries, Encylopedias
                            Find Things 2
Find a forum            Discussion
Find a Doctor           in USA
Find best Fares        Travel
Find a recipe            Food
Find a House            USA
PC support               Information
Personal home page  or Email address
Find stock filings        For companies
                             My Stuff
Employee                    Purchases
Stock Holder               Access
IBM Savings Plan        (was TDSP) Hewitt
LifeScan                       Log Book
Kaiser Permanente       Mem sign on,reorder pills
MediCare                    Web Site
IBM Retired                 AfterIBM
Net Benefits                 Fidelity
IBM Products              Sales
IBM PC                       IBM Support
Moss Motors               English car parts
IBM Warranty             Lookup
Symantec                     Norton Antivirus
Mavrick's                     Biggest Surf Calif.
GoMotorboards           Elect. Scooter
My HP                         Profile
My HP                         Subscriber's Choice
My HP                         Support
My Norton Account     AntiVirus Protection
Wick Shop                   Kerosene Heaters
Schwab                        Stock
                         Site Management
HTML Guide                 Learn HTML
HTML Validation          Service
Web Site Garage            Tech help
MetaTag Builder            Tech help
Register your Site           Services
Site popularity                check
Find Domain owner        Help
Choose Domain Name   Service
Promote your Site           Help
Who Sends Email            Enter Domain
Internet Traffic                 Report
Answers                          That Work
Audio Info owner            Retrieve
Yola                                Login, use IE or Firefox
Google                            WebMaster
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